Small to medium sized businesses invariably find that hosting websites and applications on their own servers is neither cost-efficient nor manageable. Problems with downtime, maintenance, security and funding mean a lot of companies look to external solutions, and that’s were cloud web hosting from Optane Networks comes in.
By using external servers in the cloud, a business’ websites and related resources/applications can be clustered together in a shared web hosting solution. Optane Networks is able to offer this service through partnership with Rackspace, boasting superior performance and 100% uptime for maximum benefit to the business – these clustered cloud servers are built on dedicated servers that run VMware and Hyper-V, offering total security and reliability throughout the life cycle.
Reliability is assured through the number of different servers and SAN storage devices used to make up each hosting cluster – in the case of a power outage or failure of one server or storage device, all services would automatically and instantly migrate to other live servers still available. This completely eliminates the possibility of downtime for maximum performance and instant access to business-critical data at all times, with a high level of security being assured.

For businesses that have additional resources or require more from their cloud web hosting solution, there’s the option to upgrade from shared hosting to a fully managed, dedicated service. This gives a business their own cloud environment for a high level of control and full customization capabilities, allowing the solution to be devised according to individual business needs, offering a high level of scalability and total control over resources.
value, with shared packages starting from just £50. Currently these solutions are only available for Linux or Windows OS, but they’re ideal for SMEs that run such systems and who are looking for maximum availability, high performance solutions with minimal outlay. Optane Networks provide the complete support service from data backup and email hosting to hardware supply and technical support in London and throughout the UK, offering the complete package with cloud web hosting services that can deliver measurable results.
Are you looking for a cloud-based web filtering service which is not only controllable, scalable, and reliable, but also ideal if you have users in multiple locations? In that case, look no further than the Barracuda Web Security Service. This powerful web filter is fairly simple to get started, with no hardware to install.

Barracuda is a service which cost effectively allows you to protect individual users against viruses and aggressive malware, while also centrally controlling user access to things such as web content, media, applications, various file types and email. The service even works to protect off-network mobile devices – such as iPads, iPhones, laptops and smart tablets, which is great if you’re on the move or aren’t tied down to one particular office.
Barracuda Web Security Service is an enterprise-grade solution for your web security, and aims to save your administrators from the often lengthy rigmarole of cleaning computers from viruses, and dealing with security breaches. Its intuitive web UI allows for complete visibility when it comes to web activity, allowing your admin to see exactly what’s going on; no unnecessary network troubleshooting or unorthodox policy management. Interactive graphs aid high-level overviews for complete transparency, including insight into users, bandwidth, applications and files, as well as other factors which can influence performance and overall productivity. Reports are conveniently accessed, with no database administration necessary.
Barracuda is built on a massively scalable worldwide multi-user architecture, and provides world class web filtering to customers in fifty separate countries, delivering a fast and reliable service your business can trust.
Contact Optane Networks Support Service specializes in data backup, email hosting, hardware supply and technical support in London, UK, and we pride ourselves in providing the best Barracuda Web Security Service on offer. Contact us for a quote today